Parking at the Großer Arber

Over 1000 parking spaces are available to you in both summer and winter. Please note that the Großer Arber is also a nature reserve. We therefore ask that you park responsibly and respect nature.

permanent parking tickets

Long-term parking tickets are available for frequent parkers at the Großer Arber.

Parking ticket via app

No change on hand? At the Großer Arber you can also pay directly by mobile phone!

Our parking facilities:

We understand how important it is to get there conveniently and hassle free. Therefore, we have set up a wide range of parking options for our visitors:

Barrier-free parking spaces:

We strive to make the beauty of the Großer Arber accessible to everyone. We therefore offer barrier-free parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the facilities.

E-charging stations for electric cars

There are two charging stations for electric cars directly at the valley station of the gondola lift.

Bus parking spaces at the Großer Arber & Arbersee:

There are specially designated bus parking spaces for bus groups. If all bus parking spaces are occupied, our ticket office team is available to answer any questions.

P+R parking spaces:

Hiking and ski buses run from the surrounding communities to the Großer Arber.

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